Serving Your Country? Bank of America Wants Your House...At Any Cost

The more stories we get from homeowners at and the more people I talk to about how they're losing their homes, the more I start to believe that banks and servicers are spending more time figuring out how to take homes than they are on how to save them. In the past few days alone I've heard stories from people who have recounted instances where they have been blatantly mistreated and swindled by banks.

At the rate that banks and mortgage servicers are foreclosing on homeowners it's been difficult lately to not buy into some of the speculative theories, no matter how conspiratorial they might sound. The theories range from land grabs, covering up a massive Ponzi scheme or massive fraud, and systematically eradicating the middle class. It's hard not to buy into these when you spend most of your free time talking to homeowners or reading their stories.

Click Here: Serving Your Country? Bank of America Wants Your House...At Any Cost...


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